Lloyd Duckworth
In August of 1998, Lloyd received a vision from the Lord that forever changed his and his late wife Jean’s life. Through that vision, God gave Lloyd complete instructions for Angel One, including the name.
God instructed Lloyd that the name was to represent a “spiritual medic one” and that Angel One was to be a first response to people who are in a physical or spiritual crisis. It was to act as a safety net or a “hand-up” rather than a “hand-out”.
Lloyd and Jean were committed to being “God’s Hand Extended” to people who all-of-a-sudden found themselves in trouble and couldn't physically supply the necessary and immediate needs of themselves and/or their children.
God promised them that if they stepped forward in faith He would supply the necessary support from “His abundance." Lloyd and Jean accepted that promise from God and established Angel One Foundation as instructed in 2004.
Lloyd and Jean Duckworth were married for forty-three years. Jean went to be with the Lord in 2009. Afterwards, Lloyd remarried to Madaline (Thorp) Duckworth. Since then, Lloyd has retired and the couple currently resides in Yakima, WA. Lloyd's children are currently involved in Angel One Foundation's day to day activities and leadership roles.
vice President
Joceley Silveira
Jennifer Silveira
Lana Duckworth
Board Member
Jeff Duckworth